Frequently Asked Questions

How long will it last?

The product is guaranteed for 10 yrs. In residential applications. Based on testing, sealant has an
expected life of at least 40 years.

Is the sealant safe?

Sealant is Non-Toxic and has been used in hospitals, schools, surgery centers, and government
facilities all over the world. The sealant has been tested by an independent lab and found to have
extremely low concentration of VOC’s during sealing time only. The primary component has NO OSHA
maximum exposure limit.

What is the sealant material made of?

Primary component is Vinyl Acetate Polymer, used in water based paints, hair spray, and
chewing gum.

How long does it take to dry?

Drying time is less than 2 hours.

Will my house smell?

There is a mild odor, like Elmer’s Glue, during sealing. Odor will dissipate within a couple hours.

Should I be in the house?

If you are pregnant, senior, or infant, or utilizing medical equipment we do encourage you to
leave as a simple safety precaution.

How big of leak will be sealed?

Up to a 5/8” or 16mm gap can be sealed with Aeroseal.

What about leaks that are too big?

Broken and disconnected ducts and large leaks need to be fixed prior to sealing. If a hidden large
leak is uncovered during sealing, process is stopped and a solution is discussed.

Where does the sealant leaking from the ducts go?

Sealant escaping from the ducts will settle in wall cavities, attics or crawl spaces.

Will it harm electronics?

We recommend sensitive electronics be covered.

What about my HVAC accessories?

Technician is trained to protect all accessories prior to sealing. Some items, such as humidifiers or UV lights, may be removed then reinstalled to prevent damage; others may be bagged or covered.

Do ducts need to be cleaned before sealing?

Extremely dirty ducts should be cleaned. We recommend the technician assess the condition and can advise you prior to sealing.

Can I clean my ducts if they are sealed?

Ducts of all material types can be successfully cleaned after sealing.

Will the ducts be covered with sealant?

The Aeroseal process does not coat or line the duct work. The only sealant remaining in the
ducts will be where it found a previous leak.

How does it work?

Duct sealing, utilizing the patented Aeroseal process, takes a nontoxic sealant, atomizes and dries the liquid into an 
aerosolized mist. The mist travels through a pressurized duct system and seals visible, invisible, and inaccessible 
leaks in the system. We guarantee it and it is certified.

How do I know if my ducts leak?

According to the Department of Energy, homes leak between 25% and 40%. In simple terms,
that means air is not getting to designated spaces causing hot/cold spots in the house, excessive dust, and
high energy bills.